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What should I do if hazel colored contact lenses cause discomfort or irritation?

If hazel colored contact lenses are causing discomfort or irritation, it’s essential to take action to address the issue promptly. Here are steps you can take:

  1. Remove the Lenses: The first step is to remove the hazel colored contact lenses from your eyes. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling the lenses.
  2. Inspect the Lenses: Check the lenses for any signs of damage, such as tears, scratches, or deposits. If you notice any damage, do not attempt to reinsert the lenses.
  3. Rinse the Lenses: Rinse the lenses thoroughly with multipurpose contact lens solution or saline solution. This helps remove any debris or particles that may be causing discomfort.
  4. Inspect Your Eyes: Take a close look at your eyes in a well-lit mirror to check for any redness, swelling, or signs of irritation. If you notice any unusual symptoms, such as blurred vision or increased sensitivity to light, contact your eye care professional immediately.
  5. Rest Your Eyes: Give your eyes a break from wearing contact lenses for a while. If discomfort persists even after removing the lenses, avoid wearing them until your eyes feel better.
  6. Use Lubricating Eye Drops: If your eyes feel dry or irritated, consider using preservative-free lubricating eye drops to help alleviate symptoms. These drops can help moisturize and soothe your eyes.
  7. Consult Your Eye Care Professional: If discomfort or irritation persists despite taking these steps, it’s essential to consult your eye care professional for further evaluation and guidance. They can help determine the underlying cause of your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment.
  8. Avoid Reusing Lenses: Do not attempt to reinsert hazel colored contact lenses that have caused discomfort or irritation until you have consulted with your eye care professional. Using damaged or contaminated lenses can increase the risk of eye infections and other complications.

It’s crucial to listen to your body and prioritize eye health. If hazel colored contact lenses continue to cause discomfort or irritation, it may be necessary to discontinue use and explore alternative options with the guidance of your eye care professional.