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What solution should I use to rinse and store aqua colored contact lenses?

Here’s how to properly rinse and store aqua colored contact lenses:

  1. Wash Your Hands: Before handling your contact lenses, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, and dry them with a lint-free towel. This helps prevent transferring any dirt, bacteria, or other contaminants to your lenses or eyes.
  2. Remove the Lenses: Carefully remove the aqua colored contact lenses from your eyes using proper technique. Avoid touching the lenses with your fingernails to prevent damaging them.
  3. Rinse the Lenses: Rinse each lens with a generous amount of multipurpose contact lens solution to remove any debris, protein deposits, or other residues that may have accumulated during wear. Gently rub the lenses between your index finger and thumb while rinsing to ensure thorough cleaning.
  4. Disinfect the Lenses: Place each rinsed lens in the palm of your hand and add a few drops of fresh multipurpose contact lens solution to each side of the lens. Rub the lens gently with your fingertip in a circular motion for about 20 seconds to ensure proper disinfection.
  5. Place the Lenses in the Case: After disinfecting, place each lens in its designated compartment in a clean contact lens case filled with fresh multipurpose contact lens solution. Ensure that each lens is fully submerged in the solution to prevent dehydration and bacterial growth.
  6. Close the Case: Securely close the contact lens case to prevent contamination and leakage of the solution. aqua colored contact lensesĀ  Make sure the case is tightly sealed to maintain the sterility of the solution and prevent evaporation.
  7. Store the Lenses: Store the contact lens case in a clean, dry, and well-ventilated area at room temperature. Avoid exposing the lenses to excessive heat, moisture, or direct sunlight, as these can damage the lenses or compromise their sterility.
  8. Replace the Solution: Replace the multipurpose contact lens solution in the case with fresh solution each time you store your lenses. Do not reuse or top off old solution, as this can increase the risk of contamination and eye infections.

It’s important to follow these steps every time you rinse and store your aqua colored contact lenses to ensure proper hygiene, disinfection, and maintenance of the lenses. Additionally, be sure to follow the recommendations provided by your eye care professional and the instructions on the contact lens solution packaging for best results.